Literacy Resources
Leadership ~ Advocacy ~ Expertise

Young Authors Workshops
WSRA's Young Authors Workshop Committee recommends attendance at Young Authors Workshops around the state of Wisconsin. The workshops are sponsored by local reading councils in conjunction with the Wisconsin State Reading Association.
Children's Literature
WSRA's Children's Literature Committee Recommends picture book titles at "Picture This!" plus recommendations for novels at "Just One More Page!"
Families & Literacy
WSRA's Families & Literacy Committee has recommendations! Look for the Calendars of Ideas for enhancing literacy learning, Newsletters with load of more ideas, and videos on the Gift of Language and the Power of Reading.
Intellectual Freedom
WSRA supports intellectual and academic freedom as a cornerstone of our democracy. WSRA has a long-standing support of intellectual and academic freedom. WSRA supports helping students develop critical perspectives which include interpretation and evaluation of what is read, viewed and heard. This is vital to literacy and our mission.