The Wisconsin State Reading Association Membership

The Wisconsin State Reading Association provides leadership, advocacy, and professional learning for implementing effective literacy practices, understanding the complex nature of literacy, honoring the unique needs of our diverse students, and engaging them to apply their literacies in meaningful ways in a changing world.

WSRA member benefits:

  • WSRA Update, WSRA’s report of upcoming events, special projects, and association, legislative, and/or DPI news.
  • WSRA Journals, which address current topics and present education strategies for classroom instruction in English Language Arts.
  • Free access to the archived webinar recordings.
  • Reduced rates for WSRA conferences and institutes.
  • May join one of WSRA’s committees through which our goals are accomplished.
  • Stay current with trends in the field
  • Grow professionally
  • Gain new insights into reading instruction
  • Meet new colleagues who share similar interests and concerns.




Our regular annual membership




Available to full-time undergraduate students


To mail an application, download a PDF of WSRA's membership application/renewal form. Please note WSRA has a change of address.


Retired Educators

Retired Educators can now join or renew their memberships at a reduced rate of $25 annually. In order to take advantage of this rate, contact the WSRA email at [email protected] and ask for the discount code.


Current Members

Current WSRA members will receive a membership renewal notification via email. Membership renewal has a 30-day "grace period" within which members may renew. Membership expires at the end of the 30-day grace period. Local council members:  Please contact your council's Membership Director to obtain the discount code.

Renew Membership