Developing Our Expertise for Wise Decision-Making

WSRA Reading Councils 2024-2025
 Virtual Professional Development Series
Check back soon for the registration of our upcoming meetings!




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Registration Opens Soon




Summer Institute 2022:

Annalee Good, author of Teachers at the Table: Voice, Agency and Advocacy in Educational Policymaking along with Molly Garner Carroll,  Kate Roberts, Deonte Iverson, LaToya Holiday and Shahanna McKinney-Baldon presented to an enthusiastic group of WSRA members and leaders. Although teachers are central to the implementation of educational policy, they are rarely involved in the design of it. Clearly, teachers are not at the table. Today's presentation gave tools to attendees with how teachers can be policy advocates. Attendees determined a personal case study, created an action plan and power map to address issues for policy changes.